Today, I hit 30 minutes of running non-stop.

This was a huge goal for me.  For two weeks, I’ve been stuck between 25-28.  What helped was the last two minutes, I slowed my pace down .2 MPH, which allowed me to crank it out!  Yahoo!

In honor of reaching this huge milestone, here are the things I love about running:

-How 10 weeks ago, I could only run 60 seconds at a time, with walking two minutes in between

-Defined, strong calves and thighs

-A glowing complexion

-No more double chin!

-No pooch/belly

-stronger and longer yoga poses

-this might sound gross, but sweat between my boobs.  Makes me feel like I’m REALLY working

-it’s helped me to drop two sizes and get back into a single digit size

-hitting my stride about 6 minutes into the run

-while I’ve only ever had one, The Runner’s High

-no more shin-splints/ankle pain

-just DOING it.  It hit me today that I was really doing it.  I am officially a runner!

-no more flabby skin hanging over my knees

-how my ass looks in compression pants (or any pants, for that matter)

-the feeling of accomplishment when the run is over

And here is what I DO NOT love about running:

-Losing my boobs

-side stiches

-how I work my ass off for 30 minutes and still only get 3 Activity Points for it (sheesh!)